Be sure to use our search option 🔍 located at the top part of the shop. Using this option you can easily search for all the available and in-stock shoes with your specific shoe size.
How to find your Japanese shoe size? That’s easy! The length of the red diagonal line in Centimeters is your actual Japanese shoe size. That’s it!
If you want to know the exact length of your new shoe simply measure as in this example (diagonal line and not a straight line) and match it to the closest Japanese shoe size.
VERY IMPORTANT: Measure both legs and use the longest line you get as your guide for your shoe size. It is also better to measure twice to make sure you didn’t miss your measurements.
Example: if your red line is 24cm on your left foot and 24.5cm on your right foot, you should get the JP24.5 shoe size.
The only thing left to do is check your Japanese size and if we have your chosen one on stock